Friday, September 21, 2007

Me and my head have to have a little quality time

It's Friday. TGIF has never rung more true.

Excited for the weekend. Of course. Excited because i get the time to do what I want. Which, as I was thinking yesterday, will be in some part me chasing down the athletic self that I have neglected this week. Come to think of it, it's more just getting a chance to think at all.

Haven't run since what feels like an eternity and it's starting to get out of control. I haven't had the time listen to myself think. Or dialogue with myself. Which sounds a little crazy, I know. But I'll explain.

But that is what happens when I don't have the quiet to decompress the never ending stream of stimulus you get day in and day out in NYC. If it's not a co worker, it's the noise of the subway, if not that, than cell phones. It's constant.

When I run I get to pick the noise (or lack there of) that I want. I get to choose the music that i can dialogue with. The music that gets me thinking. Usually I get more accomplished when my brain gets a chance to unpack and run through everything it's encountered over the week. I think it's time I have some quality time to think.